One-on-One Advisor

During Academic Support hours, students have support and dedicated time in their schedule for coursework, completing assignments, revisiting lessons, and receiving soft-skills coaching. At Walnut Grove Coop, we collect evidence of the completion of standards. If a student struggles to master a concept, we can work with them individually to redo an assignment.

Parents can delegate the stressors of work and time management to our staff. We create individual learning goals and strategies for every high school student. We develop relationships to foster independence and success.

Optional Project-Based Learning Time

PBL provides group-based learning opportunities across the curriculum. In addition to earning credit hours in our programs, these projects further supplement other parent-provided core classes.  Learners can build the soft skills needed to work as team players in a variety of educational and professional environments. Independent projects can also be planned. In addition to supporting the Core Academic requirements for graduation, this component can support some career pathway requirements mandated in the 4 states that we serve. Learners can explore:

  • Science, including Labs
  • Literature and Composition
  • Public Speaking
  • History
  • Economics
  • Art